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Conservation Element

GOAL CN-1: Air Quality and Climate
Protect air resources, improve regional and local air quality, and minimize the impacts of climate change.

  • Policy CN-1.1
    Regional Planning Efforts
    Coordinate air quality planning efforts with local and regional agencies to meet or exceed State and Federal ambient air quality standards in order to educate the community on and protect all residents from the health effects of air pollution.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value
  • Policy CN-1.2
    Climate Action Plan
    Consistency with emission reduction goals highlighted in the Climate Action Plan shall be considered in all major decisions on land use and investments in public infrastructure.
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  • Policy CN-1.3
    Promote efforts to educate businesses and the general public about air quality standards, reducing the urban heat island effect, health effects from poor air quality and extreme heat, and best practices they can make to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    Icon for health core value Icon for education core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy CN-1.4
    Development Standards
    Support new development that meets or exceeds standards for energy-efficient building design and site planning.
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  • Policy CN-1.5
    Sensitive Receptor Decisions
    Study the impacts of stationary and non-stationary emission sources on existing and proposed sensitive uses and opportunities to minimize health and safety risks. Develop and adopt new regulations avoiding the siting of facilities that potentially emit increased pollution near sensitive receptors within environmental justice area boundaries.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy CN-1.6
    New and Infill Residential Development
    Promote development that is mixed use, pedestrian friendly, transit oriented, and clustered around activity centers.
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  • Policy CN-1.7
    Housing and Employment Opportunities
    Improve the city’s jobs/housing balance ratio by supporting development that provides housing and employment opportunities to enable people to live and work in Santa Ana.
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  • Policy CN-1.8
    Promote Alternative Transportation
    Promote use of alternate modes of transportation in the City of Santa Ana, including pedestrian, bicycling, public transportation, car sharing programs, and emerging technologies.
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  • Policy CN-1.9
    Public Investment Alternative Transportation Infrastructure
    Continue to invest in infrastructure projects that support public transportation and alternate modes of transportation in the City of Santa Ana, including pedestrian, bicycling, public transportation, car sharing programs, and emerging technologies.
    Icon for sustainability core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy CN-1.10
    Transportation Management
    Continue to support and invest in improvements to the City’s Transportation Management System, including projects or programs that improve traffic flow and reduce traffic congestion.
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  • Policy CN-1.11
    Public Investment in Low- or Zero Emission Vehicles
    Continue to invest in low-emission or zero-emission vehicles to replace the City’s gasoline powered vehicle fleet and to transition to available clean fuel sources such as bio-diesel for trucks and heavy equipment.
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  • Policy CN-1.12
    Sustainable Infrastructure
    Encourage the use of low or zero emission vehicles, bicycles, nonmotorized vehicles, and car-sharing programs by supporting new and existing development that includes sustainable infrastructure and strategies such as vehicle charging stations, drop-off areas for ride-sharing services, secure bicycle parking, and transportation demand management programs.
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  • Policy CN-1.13
    City Contract Practices
    Support businesses and contractors that use reduced-emissions equipment for city construction projects and contracts for services, as well as businesses that practice sustainable operations.
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  • Policy CN-1.14
    Transportation Demand Management
    Require and incentivize projects to incorporate transportation demand management techniques.
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  • Policy CN-1.15
    Community Emissions Reduction
    Collaborate with the South Coast Air Quality Management District and local stakeholders in advance of designation as a priority community for air monitoring and reduction, and implement measures and strategies identified in other air monitoring and emissions reduction plans that are applicable to and feasible for Santa Ana.
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  • Policy CN-1.16
    Indirect source rules
    Support the development of regional legislation such as the drayage truck rule, advanced clean truck route, and heavy-duty low NOx rule by the South Coast Air Quality Management District.
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  • Policy CN-1.17
    Indoor Recreation
    Encourage new development to provide indoor recreation space when located in areas with high levels of localized air pollution or if site is adjacent to freeways or heavy industrial uses.
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  • Policy CN-1.18
    public investment in parks
    Coordinate with park renovation and new development to address air quality and climate impacts by reducing the heat island affect by providing green infrastructure and shade, and reducing air pollution by providing vegetation that removes pollutants and air particles.
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Mobility Element

  • Policy M-1.8
    Environmental Sustainability
    Consider air and water quality, noise reduction, neighborhood character, and street-level aesthetics when making improvements to travelways.
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  • Policy M-4.9
    Air Pollution Mitigation
    Utilize land use, building, site planning, and technology solutions to mitigate exposure to transportation-related air pollution, especially in environmental justice focus areas.
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Economic Prosperity Element

  • Policy EP-2.10
    Green Business
    Support the growth of a diverse green business sector that facilitates and promotes environmental sustainability and creates a competitive advantage for business attraction activities.
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Open Space Element

  • Policy OS-2.5
    Air Quality and Heat
    Coordinate park renovation and development to address air quality and climate impacts by reducing heat island effect by providing green infrastructure and shade, and reducing air pollution by providing vegetation that removes pollutants and air particles.
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  • Policy  OS-2.7
    Healthy Indoor Options
    Encourage or incentivize new commercial and residential development to provide private indoor recreation space when located in areas with high levels of localized air pollution or if site is adjacent to freeways or heavy industrial uses.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy OS-2.8
    Hazardous Materials
    Reduce or eliminate, where feasible, the use of pesticides and herbicides that negatively impact human health at park facilities and publicly accessible open spaces.
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Safety Element

  • GOAL S-2: Hazardous Materials
    Protect residents and environmental resources from contaminated hazardous material sites and minimize risks associated with the use, production, storage, transport, and disposal of hazardous materials.
  • Policy S-2.1
    Regional Collaboration
    Consult and collaborate with federal, state, and regional agencies to identify and regulate the use, storage and disposal of hazardous materials, prevent the illegal transportation and disposal of hazardous waste, and facilitate the cleanup of contaminated sites.
    Icon for health core value Icon for sustainability core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy S-2.2
    Hazardous Waste Generators
    Collaborate with appropriate agencies to identify and inventory all users and handlers of hazardous materials to proactively mitigate potential impacts. Promote transparency and accountability by publishing city, regional, and state data and resources on toxic spills, water pollution, illegal discharges, industrial and commercial air violations on a dedicated Santa Ana Environmental Quality webpage.
    Icon for health core value Icon for sustainability core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy S-2.3
    Transportation and Storage
    Coordinate with the County of Orange, the California Department of Transportation, and other relevant parties to enforce state and local laws regulating the storage and transport of hazardous materials within the City of Santa Ana, and limit truck routes through the city to arterials streets away from natural habitats and sensitive land uses.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy S-2.4
    Planning and Remediation
    Determine the presence of hazardous materials and/or waste contamination prior to approval of new uses and require that appropriate measures be taken to protect the health and safety of site users and the community.
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  • Policy S-2.5
    Education and Best Practices
    Promote public awareness of best practices for and participation in household hazardous waste management and disposal.
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  • Policy S-2.6
    Existing Sensitive Uses
    Partner and collaborate with property owners, businesses, and community groups to develop strategies to protect and minimize risks from existing hazardous material sites to existing nearby sensitive uses, with priority given to discontinuing such uses within environmental justice area boundaries.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice Icon for education core value

Land Use

  • Policy LU-3.8
    Sensitive Receptors
    Avoid the development of industry and sensitive receptors in close proximity to each other that could pose a hazard to human health and safety due to the quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics of the hazardous materials utilized, or the hazardous waste an operation may generate or emit.
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  • Policy LU-3.9
    Noxious, Hazardous, Dangerous, and Polluting Uses
    Improve the health of residents, students, and workers by limiting the impacts of construction activities and operation of noxious, hazardous, dangerous, and polluting uses that are in close proximity to sensitive receptors, with priority given to discontinuing such uses within environmental justice area boundaries.
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  • Policy LU-4.3
    Sustainable Land Use Strategies
    Encourage land uses and strategies that reduce energy and water consumption, waste and noise generation, soil contamination, air quality impacts, and light pollution.
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Urban Design

  • Policy UD-2.10
    Greening the Built Environment
    Promote planting of shade trees and require, where feasible, preservation and site design that uses appropriate tree species to shade parking lots, streets, and other facilities, with the goal of reducing the heat island effect.
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Safety Element

  • GOAL S-4: Aircraft Hazards
    Protect the safety of the general public from aircraft hazards.
  • Policy S-4.1
    Structures Above 200 Feet
    For development projects that include structures higher than 200 feet above existing grade, the City shall inform the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) and submit materials to the ALUC for review. Proposed projects that would exceed a height of 200 feet above existing grade shall be required to file Form 7460-1 with the Federal Aviation Administration.
    Icon for health core value
  • Policy S-4.2
    Federal Aviation Regulation Part 77
    Do not approve buildings and structures that would penetrate Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77 Imaginary Obstruction Surfaces, unless consistent with the California Public Utilities Code Section 21240, such building or structure is determined by FAA to pose “no hazard” to air aviation. Additionally, under this policy, applicants proposing buildings or structures that penetrate the 100:1 Notification Surface will be required to file a Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration with FAA and provide a copy of the FAA determination to the City and the ALUC.
    Icon for health core value
  • Policy S-4.3
    Light, Glare, and Other Interference
    Minimize hazards to aeronautical operations by ensuring land uses do not emit excessive glare, light, steam, smoke, dust, or electronic interference in compliance with FAA regulations and the John Wayne Airport Environs Land Use Plan.
    Icon for health core value
  • Policy S-4.4
    Heliport/Helistop Approval and Requirements
    Any proposals for heliports/helipads within the City shall be submitted through the City to the Airport Land Use Commission for a consistency determination. Approve the development of a heliport or helistop only if it complies with the Airport Environs Land Use Plan for heliports. Ensure that each applicant seeking a conditional use permit or similar approval for the construction or operation of a heliport or helistop complies fully with the state permit procedure provided by law and with all conditions of approval imposed or recommended by the FAA, by Orange County Airport Land Use Commission, and by Caltrans/Division of Aeronautics. This requirement shall be in addition to all other City development requirements.
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  • Policy S-4.5
    Referral to ALUC
    Prior to the amendment of the City’s general plan or a specific plan, or the adoption or approval of a zoning ordinance or building regulation within the planning boundary established by the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC), and pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 21676, the City shall first refer the proposed action to the ALUC.
    Icon for health core value
  • Policy S-4.6
    Deed Disclosure Notice
    Provide notice of airport in the vicinity where residential development is being proposed within the 60 dBA CNEL noise contours for the John Wayne Airport.
    Icon for Equity core value

Noise Element

  • GOAL N-3: Airport and Land Use Environs
    Protect sensitive land uses from airport related noise impacts.\
  • Policy N-3.1
    Residential Development
    Residential development within the John Wayne Airport (JWA) 65 dB(A) CNEL Noise Contour or greater is not supported.
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  • Policy N-3.2
    Flight Paths
    Advocate that future flight path selection be directed away from existing noise sensitive land uses.
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  • Policy N-3.3
    Residential Mitigation
    Require all residential land uses in 60 dB(A) CNEL or 65 dB(A) CNEL Noise Contours to be sufficiently mitigated so as not to exceed an interior standard of 45 dB(A) CNEL.
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Land Use Element

  • Policy LU-1.1
    Compatible Uses
    Foster compatibility between land uses to enhance livability and promote healthy lifestyles.
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  • Policy LU-3.4
    Compatible Development
    Ensure that the scale and massing of new development is compatible and harmonious with the surrounding built environment.
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  • Policy LU-3.8
    Sensitive Receptors
    Avoid the development of industry and sensitive receptors in close proximity to each other that could pose a hazard to human health and safety due to the quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics of the hazardous materials utilized, or the hazardous waste an operation may generate or emit.
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Safety Element

  • GOAL S-1: Flood Safety
    Protect life and minimize property damage, social and economic disruptions caused by flood and inundation hazards.
  • Policy S-1.1
    Regional Collaboration
    Continue to consult with agencies to maintain the most current flood hazard and floodplain information; use the information as a basis for project review and to guide development in accordance with regional, state, and federal standards.
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  • Policy S-1.2
    Climate Change
    Evaluate the need to expand the capacity of flood control facilities to minimize flood hazards to people, property, and the environment based on changing weather conditions associated with climate change.
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  • Policy S-1.3
    Storm Drain Infrastructure
    Update the Drainage Master Plan to prioritize improvements to existing system deficiencies, and plan for infrastructure needs that support the General Plan land use vision.
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  • Policy S-1.4
    Critical Infrastructure
    Design, construct, and retrofit critical public facilities and utilities located in flood-prone areas to maintain their structural and operational integrity during floods.
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  • Policy S-1.5
    Flood Awareness
    Promote education of flooding hazards and bring awareness to resources and programs that assist property owners, residents, and businesses to protect their homes and property from flood damage.
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  • Policy S-1.6
    Alternative Flood Control Methods
    Explore and encourage natural flood control infrastructure and techniques that create new open areas to capture storm water, recharge aquifers, prevent flooding, and expand recreation opportunities.
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  • Policy S-1.7
    Surface Water Infiltration
    Encourage site drainage features that reduce impermeable surface area, increase surface water infiltration, and minimize surface water runoff during storm events on private and public developments.
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  • Policy S-1.8
    Development in Flood Zone
    Continue to implement federal, state, and regional requirements related to new construction in flood-plain areas to ensure that future flood risks to life and property are minimized.
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Public Services Element

  • Policy PS-3.4
    Drainage Facilities
    Expand and maintain storm drain facilities to accommodate the needs of existing and planned development.
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  • Policy PS-3.5
    Green Infrastructure
    Incorporate sustainable design and Low Impact Development (LID) techniques for stormwater facilities and new development to achieve multiple benefits, including enhancing, preserving, and creating open space and habitat; reducing flooding; and improving runoff water quality.
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Safety Element

  • GOAL S-3: Geologic and Seismic Hazards
    Provide a safe environment for all Santa Ana residents and workers while minimizing risk of injury, loss of life, property damage, and social and economic impacts caused by geologic and seismic hazards.
  • Policy S-3.1
    Hazard Identification
    Explore opportunities to identify and encourage the upgrade of structures and facilities that are at risk from seismic hazards.
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  • Policy S-3.2
    Seismic and Geotechnical Standards
    Ensure that all new development abides by the current City and state seismic and geotechnical requirements and that projects located in areas with potential for geologic or seismic hazards prepare a hazards study.
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  • Policy S-3.3
    Key Public Facilities and Systems
    Coordinate with relevant utility service providers to ensure that major utility systems remain resilient in the event of a major earthquake and are seismically upgraded.
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  • Policy S-3.4
    Multiagency Education Campaign
    Develop cooperative partnerships and strengthen communication among public agencies, residents, nonprofit organizations, community groups, and businesses to promote sharing of educational information regarding seismic and geologic hazards and safety.
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Land Use Element

GOAL LU-1: Growing Responsibly
Provide a land use plan that improves quality of life and respects our existing community.

  • Policy LU-1.1
    Compatible Uses
    Foster compatibility between land uses to enhance livability and promote healthy lifestyles.
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  • Policy LU-1.2
    Homeownership Opportunities
    Support innovative development policies to expand homeownership opportunities at all income levels.
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  • Policy LU-1.3
    Equitable creation AND Distribution of Open Space
    Promote the creation of new open space and community-serving amenities in park-deficient areas that keeps pace with the increase in multi-unit housing development, with priority given to those that are also within environmental justice area boundaries.
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  • Policy LU-1.4
    County Seat
    Support the location of new and enhanced regional, state, and federal governmental facilities in the Civic Center to reinforce Santa Ana as the county seat.
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  • Policy LU-1.5
    Diverse housing types
    Incentivize quality infill residential development that provides a diversity of housing types and accommodates all income levels and age groups.
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  • Policy LU-1.6
    Transit oriented development
    Encourage residential mixed-use development, within the City’s District Centers, Urban Neighborhoods, and adjacent to high quality transit.
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  • Policy LU-1.7
    Active Transportation Infrastructure
    Invest in active transportation connectivity between activity centers and residential neighborhoods to encourage healthy lifestyles.
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  • Policy LU-1.8
    Development Tradeoffs
    Ensure that new development projects provide a net community benefit.
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  • Policy LU-1.9
    Public Facilities and Infrastructure
    Evaluate individual new development proposals to determine if the proposals are consistent with the General Plan and to ensure that they do not compound existing public facility and service deficiencies.
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  • Policy LU-1.10
    Downtown Orange County
    Balance development within the downtown to continue to serve as a cultural and economic hub for existing and future residents.
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Mobility Element

  • GOAL M-4: Transportation, Land Use, and Design
    Coordinated transportation planning efforts with land use and design strategies that encourage sustainable development and achieve broader community goals.
  • Policy M-4.1
    Intense Development Areas
    Program multimodal transportation and public realm improvements that support new development in areas along transit corridors and areas planned for high intensity development.
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Economic Prosperity Element

  • Policy EP-3.3
    Mitigate Impacts
    Promote the development of sustainable and equitable new land use plans that proactively reduces negative health and economic impacts on existing residents and businesses, especially in environmental justice communities.
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  • Policy EP-3.9
    Civic Culture and Community Service
    Facilitate a business culture that encourages community service and wellness programs for residents and employees.
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  • Policy EP-3.10
    Rethinking Strip-commercial
    Promote the creation of distinctive neighborhood serving districts through the renovation or redevelopment of existing strip-commercial development.
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Public Services Element

  • Policy PS-1.6
    Facility Locations
    Support land use decisions related to community facilities that preserve quality of life for the city’s residents and surrounding community.
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Open Space Element

  • Policy OS-1.8
    Land Acquisition and Equitable Distribution
    Acquire available lands for parks, open space, greenways and trail corridors, with priority given to sites that are within park deficient and environmental justice areas.
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Noise Element

  • Policy N-1.1
    Noise Standards
    Utilize established Citywide Noise Standards and guidelines to inform land use decisions and guide noise management strategies.
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  • Policy N-1.4
    Sensitive Uses
    Protect noise sensitive land uses from excessive, unsafe, or otherwise disruptive noise levels.
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Safety Element

  • Policy S-2.4
    Planning and Remediation
    Determine the presence of hazardous materials and/or waste contamination prior to approval of new uses and require that appropriate measures be taken to protect the health and safety of site users and the community.
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  • Policy S-2.6
    Existing Sensitive Uses
    Partner and collaborate with property owners, businesses, and community groups to develop strategies to protect and minimize risks from existing hazardous material sites to existing nearby sensitive uses, with priority given to discontinuing such uses within environmental justice area boundaries.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice Icon for education core value

Safety Element

  • GOAL S-2: Hazardous Materials
    Protect residents and environmental resources from contaminated hazardous material sites and minimize risks associated with the use, production, storage, transport, and disposal of hazardous materials.
  • Policy S-2.1
    Regional Collaboration
    Consult and collaborate with federal, state, and regional agencies to identify and regulate the use, storage and disposal of hazardous materials, prevent the illegal transportation and disposal of hazardous waste, and facilitate the cleanup of contaminated sites.
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  • Policy S-2.2
    Hazardous Waste Generators
    Collaborate with appropriate agencies to identify and inventory all users and handlers of hazardous materials to proactively mitigate potential impacts. Promote transparency and accountability by publishing city, regional, and state data and resources on toxic spills, water pollution, illegal discharges, industrial and commercial air violations on a dedicated Santa Ana Environmental Quality webpage.
    Icon for health core value Icon for sustainability core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy S-2.3
    Transportation and Storage
    Coordinate with the County of Orange, the California Department of Transportation, and other relevant parties to enforce state and local laws regulating the storage and transport of hazardous materials within the City of Santa Ana, and limit truck routes through the city to arterials streets away from natural habitats and sensitive land uses.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy S-2.4
    Planning and Remediation
    Determine the presence of hazardous materials and/or waste contamination prior to approval of new uses and require that appropriate measures be taken to protect the health and safety of site users and the community.
    Icon for health core value Icon for health core value
  • Policy S-2.5
    Education and Best Practices
    Promote public awareness of best practices for and participation in household hazardous waste management and disposal.
    Icon for education core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy S-2.6
    Existing Sensitive Uses
    Partner and collaborate with property owners, businesses, and community groups to develop strategies to protect and minimize risks from existing hazardous material sites to existing nearby sensitive uses, with priority given to discontinuing such uses within environmental justice area boundaries.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice Icon for education core value

Mobility Element

  • Policy M-1.7
    Proactive Mitigation
    Proactively mitigate existing and new potential air quality, noise, congestion, safety, and other impacts from the transportation network on residents and business, especially in environmental justice communities.
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  • Policy M-2.9
    Goods Movement
    Maintain a network of truck routes limited to arterial streets to allow for goods movement and protect residential neighborhoods from adverse impacts.
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Conservation Element

  • GOAL CN-1: Air Quality and Climate
    Protect air resources, improve regional and local air quality, and minimize the impacts of climate change.
  • Policy CN-1.1
    Regional Planning Efforts
    Coordinate air quality planning efforts with local and regional agencies to meet or exceed State and Federal ambient air quality standards in order to educate the community on and protect all residents from the health effects of air pollution.
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  • Policy CN-1.2
    Climate Action Plan
    Consistency with emission reduction goals highlighted in the Climate Action Plan shall be considered in all major decisions on land use and investments in public infrastructure.
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  • Policy CN-1.3
    Promote efforts to educate businesses and the general public about air quality standards, reducing the urban heat island effect, health effects from poor air quality and extreme heat, and best practices they can make to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    Icon for health core value Icon for education core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy CN-1.5
    Sensitive Receptor Decisions
    Study the impacts of stationary and non-stationary emission sources on existing and proposed sensitive uses and opportunities to minimize health and safety risks. Develop and adopt new regulations avoiding the siting of facilities that potentially emit increased pollution near sensitive receptors within environmental justice area boundaries.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy CN-1.10
    Transportation Management
    Continue to support and invest in improvements to the City’s Transportation Management System, including projects or programs that improve traffic flow and reduce traffic congestion.
    Icon for sustainability core value

Open Space Element

  • Policy OS-2.5
    Air Quality and Heat
    Coordinate park renovation and development to address air quality and climate impacts by reducing heat island effect by providing green infrastructure and shade, and reducing air pollution by providing vegetation that removes pollutants and air particles.
    Icon for health core value Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy  OS-2.7
    Healthy Indoor Options
    Encourage or incentivize new commercial and residential development to provide private indoor recreation space when located in areas with high levels of localized air pollution or if site is adjacent to freeways or heavy industrial uses.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy OS-2.8
    Hazardous Materials
    Reduce or eliminate, where feasible, the use of pesticides and herbicides that negatively impact human health at park facilities and publicly accessible open spaces.
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Land Use Element

  • Policy LU-3.8
    Sensitive Receptors
    Avoid the development of industry and sensitive receptors in close proximity to each other that could pose a hazard to human health and safety due to the quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics of the hazardous materials utilized, or the hazardous waste an operation may generate or emit.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy LU-3.9
    Noxious, Hazardous, Dangerous, and Polluting Uses
    Improve the health of residents, students, and workers by limiting the impacts of construction activities and operation of noxious, hazardous, dangerous, and polluting uses that are in close proximity to sensitive receptors, with priority given to discontinuing such uses within environmental justice area boundaries.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy LU-4.3
    Sustainable Land Use Strategies
    Encourage land uses and strategies that reduce energy and water consumption, waste and noise generation, soil contamination, air quality impacts, and light pollution.
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Public Services

  • GOAL PS-1: Public Facilities
    Provide quality and efficient facilities that are adequately funded, accessible, safe, and strategically located.
  • Policy PS-1.1
    Maintenance and Design
    Provide and maintain public facilities that reinforce community identity through high quality design.
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  • Policy PS-1.2
    Equitable Distribution
    Ensure public services and facilities reflect changing population needs and are equitably distributed and accessible, with priority assigned to improving areas that are underserved and/or within environmental justice area boundaries.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy PS-1.3
    Cultural and Community Centers
    Support the expansion, creation, and continued operation of cultural and community institutions and organizations that serve Santa Ana residents.
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  • Policy PS-1.4
    Civic Center Enhancements
    Explore opportunities to activate the Civic Center by incorporating social, cultural, and entertainment venue programming, and improving infrastructure and connectivity to Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods.
    Icon for culture core value
  • Policy PS-1.5
    Community Benefit
    Collaborate with community stakeholders to expand recreational, educational, and cultural opportunities; promote active lifestyles; and maximize community benefit.
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  • Policy PS-1.6
    Facility Locations
    Support land use decisions related to community facilities that preserve quality of life for the city’s residents and surrounding community.
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  • Policy PS-1.7
    Sustainable and Resilient Practices
    Require the development or rehabilitation of any public facility or capital improvement to incorporate site design and building practices that promote sustainability, energy efficiency, and resiliency.
    Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy PS-1.8
    Access for All
    Improve connectivity and ADA special needs accessibility at all public facilities.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy PS-1.9
    Supportive Housing
    Collaborate with community stakeholders to identify and encourage the development of suitable sites for housing with support services.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy PS-1.10
    Fair Share
    Require that new development pays its fair share of providing improvements to existing or creating new public facilities and their associated costs and services.
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  • Policy PS-1.11
    Remove actual and perceived safety concerns that create barriers to physical activity by requiring adequate lighting, street visibility, and areas of clear connectivity, especially for new projects or improvements within environmental justice area boundaries.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice

Community Element

  • Policy CM-1.2
    Community Input  

    Engage residents and community facility users with meaningful and effective participation to provide input and involve them in the decision-making process for community facility improvements and programming.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice Icon for education core value
  • Policy CM-1.4
    Shared Use 

    Expand community activities and programs provided through shared use or cooperative agreements at City facilities or partner sites.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy CM-1.5
    Equitable Recreational Spaces 

    Promote the development and use of municipal buildings, indoor facilities, sports fields, and outdoor spaces for recreation that serve residents throughout the city, with priority given to areas that are underserved and/or within environmental justice area boundaries.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice
  • Policy CM-1.7
    Connections to Facilities  

    Support efforts to connect residents and visitors to local and regional cultural, educational, and natural environments.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice Icon for culture core value
  • Policy CM-1.8
    Developer Involvement 

    Promote developer participation in the provision of community facilities to meet the recreational needs of residents.
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  • Policy CM-2.2
    Educational Facilities Capacity
    Partner with local school districts, nonprofit organizations, and other educational providers regarding land use and policy changes to ensure available educational facilities.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice Icon for education core value

Mobility Element

  • Policy M-3.2
    Nonmotorized Travelway Amenities
    Enhance nonmotorized travelways with amenities such as landscaping, shade trees, lighting, benches, crosswalks, rest stops, bicycle parking, and support facilities that promote a pleasant and safe experience.
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  • Policy M-5.7
    Infrastructure Condition
    Enhance travelway safety by maintaining streets, alleys, bridges, sidewalks, lighting, and other transportation infrastructure in excellent condition.
    Icon for sustainability core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice

Conservation Element

  • Policy CN-3.9
    Energy Generation in Public Facilities
    Encourage and support the generation, transmission, use, and storage of locally distributed renewable energy in order to promote energy independence, efficiency, and sustainability.
    Icon for sustainability core value

Open Space Element

  • Policy OS-2.14
    ADA Accessibility
    Design new and renovate existing parks, recreation facilities, and trails to provide access to residents of varying abilities, including people with special needs.
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  • Policy OS-3.1
    Park and Facility Maintenance
    Ensure all parks, recreation facilities and open spaces are well maintained.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice Icon for sustainability core value

Safety Element

  • Policy S-1.4
    Critical Infrastructure
    Design, construct, and retrofit critical public facilities and utilities located in flood-prone areas to maintain their structural and operational integrity during floods.
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  • Policy S-3.1
    Hazard Identification
    Explore opportunities to identify and encourage the upgrade of structures and facilities that are at risk from seismic hazards.
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  • Policy S-3.3
    Key Public Facilities and Systems
    Coordinate with relevant utility service providers to ensure that major utility systems remain resilient in the event of a major earthquake and are seismically upgraded.
    Icon for sustainability core value

Land Use Element

  • Policy LU-1.9
    Public Facilities and Infrastructure
    Evaluate individual new development proposals to determine if the proposals are consistent with the General Plan and to ensure that they do not compound existing public facility and service deficiencies.
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  • Policy LU-4.9
    Recreational Amenities
    Encourage public, private and commercial recreational facilities in areas that are park and open space deficient.
    Icon for culture core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice

Housing Element

  • Policy HE-1.5
    Infrastructure and Public Services
    Provide quality community facilities, physical infrastructure, traffic management and parking control, and other public services to promote the livability, safety, and vitality of neighborhoods.
    Icon for culture core value Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value

Urban Design Element

  • Policy UD-2.10
    Greening the Built Environment
    Promote planting of shade trees and require, where feasible, preservation and site design that uses appropriate tree species to shade parking lots, streets, and other facilities, with the goal of reducing the heat island effect.
    Icon for health core value Icon for sustainability core value

Mobility Element

  • GOAL M-2: Regional Mobility
    An integrated system of travelways that connects the city to the region, employment centers, and key destinations, making Santa Ana the leader in regional transportation.
  • Policy M-2.1
    Interstate Freeways
    Support Caltrans and OCTA efforts to improve freeway safety, while addressing impacts to neighborhoods.
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  • Policy M-2.2
    Transit Services
    Support OCTA, Caltrans, and other regional and local transportation providers to enhance existing transit services to provide residents, workers and visitors with safe, affordable, accessible, convenient, reliable, and attractive transit services.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy M-2.3
    Regional Transportation Center
    Continue to promote and develop the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center (SARTC) as a major transportation hub linking Amtrak, Metrolink, the OC Streetcar, other regional systems, and first and last mile connections.
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  • Policy M-2.4
    Commuter Rail
    Support the expansion of commuter rail services and Santa Ana’s role as a destination along the Los Angeles–San Diego–San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) rail corridor.
    Icon for health core value Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy M-2.5
    OC Streetcar
    Support development and expansion of the OC Streetcar project, connecting neighborhoods, employment centers, and Downtown Santa Ana to activity centers in Orange County.
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  • Policy M-2.6
    High frequency transit corridors
    Work with OCTA to support the improvement of transit opportunity corridors to facilitate high frequency transit (e.g., bus rapid transit and other modes) along designated corridors in Santa Ana.
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  • Policy M-2.7
    Regional Mobility Access
    Enhance access to regional transit, including first and last mile connections, to encourage the use of public transit.
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  • Policy M-2.8
    Grade Separations
    Encourage the installation and improvement of grade separations at rail crossings that minimize impacts to adjacent properties and nonmotorized users.
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  • Policy M-2.9
    Goods Movement
    Maintain a network of truck routes limited to arterial streets to allow for goods movement and protect residential neighborhoods from adverse impacts.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value Icon for sustainability core value

Conservation Element

  • Policy CN-3.11
    Energy-Efficient Transportation Infrastructure
    Continue to support public and private infrastructure for public transportation such as bus routes, rail lines, and the OC Streetcar.
    Icon for sustainability core value

Noise Element

  • Policy N-1.3
    Regional Noise Impacts
    Collaborate with local and regional transit agencies and other jurisdictions to minimize regional traffic noise and other sources of noise in the city.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value

Safety Element

  • Policy S-2.3
    Transportation and Storage
    Coordinate with the County of Orange, the California Department of Transportation, and other relevant parties to enforce state and local laws regulating the storage and transport of hazardous materials within the City of Santa Ana, and limit truck routes through the city to arterials streets away from natural habitats and sensitive land uses.
    Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice

Urban Design Element

  • Policy UD-7.5
    Transit Corridor Beautification
    Improve transit and rail corridors and interfaces to create a welcoming experience for all travelers.
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Public Services Element

  • GOAL PS-3: Utility Infrastructure
    Supply, maintain, and expand City services and infrastructure improvements through innovative funding options and sustainable practices.
  • Policy PS-3.1
    Service Partnerships
    Partner with service providers to ensure access to a wide range of state-of-the-art telecommunication systems and services for households, businesses, institutions, public spaces, and public agencies.
    Icon for Equity core value Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy PS-3.2
    Wastewater Service
    Provide and maintain wastewater collection facilities which adequately serve existing land uses and future development projects while maximizing cost efficiency.
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  • Policy PS-3.3
    Wastewater Technology
    Explore new technologies that treat and process wastewater that reduce overall capacity needs of centralized wastewater systems.
    Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy PS-3.4
    Drainage Facilities
    Expand and maintain storm drain facilities to accommodate the needs of existing and planned development.
    Icon for Equity core value
  • Policy PS-3.5
    Green Infrastructure
    Incorporate sustainable design and Low Impact Development (LID) techniques for stormwater facilities and new development to achieve multiple benefits, including enhancing, preserving, and creating open space and habitat; reducing flooding; and improving runoff water quality.
    Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy PS-3.6
    Water Service
    Provide water quality and service that meets or exceeds State and Federal drinking water standards.
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  • Policy PS-3.7
    Emergency Connections
    Maintain emergency connections with local and regional water suppliers in the event of delivery disruption.
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  • Policy PS-3.8
    Conservation Strategies
    Promote cost-effective conservation strategies and programs that increase water use efficiency.
    Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy PS-3.9
    Household Recycling
    Expand household recycling services and educational awareness programs.
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  • Policy PS-3.10
    Development Projects
    Encourage new development and reuse projects to incorporate recycling and organics collection activities aligned with state waste reduction goals.
    Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy PS-3.11
    Waste Collection
    Support infill development projects that provide adequate and creative solutions for waste and recycling collection activities.
    Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy PS-3.12
    Sewer and Water
    Maintain and upgrade sewer and water infrastructure through impact fees from new development and explore other funding sources.
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Conservation Element

  • Policy CN-4.3
    Recycled Water Systems
    Continue to coordinate with the Orange County Water District, Orange County Sanitation District, and developers for opportunities to expand use of reclaimed water systems.
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  • Policy CN-4.4
    Irrigation Systems
    Promote irrigation and rainwater capture systems that conserve water to support a sustainable community.
    Icon for sustainability core valueIcon for education core value
  • Policy CN-4.5
    Water Supply
    Continue to collaborate with Orange County Water District and Metropolitan Water District to ensure reliable, adequate, and high quality sources of water supply at a reasonable cost.
    Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy CN-4.6
    Water Quality
    Work with public and private property owners to reduce storm water runoff and to protect the water quality percolating into the aquifer and into any established waterway.
    Icon for sustainability core value

Safety Element

  • Policy S-1.3
    Storm Drain Infrastructure
    Update the Drainage Master Plan to prioritize improvements to existing system deficiencies, and plan for infrastructure needs that support the General Plan land use vision.
    Icon for sustainability core value
  • Policy S-3.3
    Key Public Facilities and Systems
    Coordinate with relevant utility service providers to ensure that major utility systems remain resilient in the event of a major earthquake and are seismically upgraded.
    Icon for sustainability core value

Urban Design Element

  • Policy UD-1.7
    Visual Clutter
    Promote the beautification and accessibility of the public realm through the undergrounding of utility lines and aboveground equipment.
    Icon for health core value Icon for Equity core value
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