Mobility Element
GOAL M-5: Sustainable Transportation
A transportation system that is attractive, safe, state-of-the-art, and supports community, environmental, and conservation goals.
- Policy M-5.1
Enhanced Street Design
Improve the beauty, character, and function of travelways with amenities such as landscaped parkways and medians, bike lanes, public art, and other amenities.

- Policy M-5.2
Rail Corridors
Coordinate with rail service providers to improve and maintain the aesthetics of rail corridors, reduce noise levels, and mitigate traffic conflicts and other environmental hazards.

- Policy M-5.3
Travel Views
Promote the undergrounding of utilities and the reduction of visual clutter along travelways.

- Policy M-5.4
Green Streets
Leverage opportunities along streets and public rights-of-way to improve water quality through use of landscaping, permeable pavement, and other best management practices.

- Policy M-5.5
Street Design
Design and retrofit streets based on their combined land use context and road function to achieve safety objectives.

- Policy M-5.6
Clean Fuels and Vehicles
Encourage the use of alternative fuel vehicles and mobility technologies through the installation of supporting infrastructure.

- Policy M-5.7
Infrastructure Condition
Enhance travelway safety by maintaining streets, alleys, bridges, sidewalks, lighting, and other transportation infrastructure in excellent condition.

- Policy M-5.8
Traffic Safety
Prioritize the safety of all travelway users when designing transportation improvement and rehabilitation projects.n.

Conservation Element
- Policy CN-1.11
Public Investment in Low- or Zero Emission Vehicles
Continue to invest in low-emission or zero-emission vehicles to replace the City’s gasoline powered vehicle fleet and to transition to available clean fuel sources such as bio-diesel for trucks and heavy equipment.

- Policy CN-1.12
Sustainable Infrastructure
Encourage the use of low or zero emission vehicles, bicycles, nonmotorized vehicles, and car-sharing programs by supporting new and existing development that includes sustainable infrastructure and strategies such as vehicle charging stations, drop-off areas for ride-sharing services, secure bicycle parking, and transportation demand management programs.

Urban Design Element
- Policy UD-3.1
Landscaped Travelways
Promote visually appealing and sustainable landscaping along freeway corridors, roadway medians, and parkways.

- Policy UD-3.2
Activate Paths
Strengthen and activate the design of paths and adjacent development through enhanced and cohesive streetscapes, architectural themes, and landscaping.

- Policy UD-7.2
Streetscape Improvements
Enhance Santa Ana’s gateways to include unique and distinctive streetscape improvements.