Mobility Element
GOAL M-3: Active Transportation
A safe, balanced, and integrated network of travelways for nonmotorized modes of transportation that connects people to activity centers, inspiring healthy and active lifestyles.
- Policy M-3.1
Nonmotorized Travelway Network
Expand and maintain a citywide network of nonmotorized travelways within both the public and private realms that create linkages between neighborhoods, recreational amenities, schools, employment centers, neighborhood serving commercial, and activity centers.

- Policy M-3.2
Nonmotorized Travelway Amenities
Enhance nonmotorized travelways with amenities such as landscaping, shade trees, lighting, benches, crosswalks, rest stops, bicycle parking, and support facilities that promote a pleasant and safe experience.

- Policy M-3.3
Safe Routes to Schools and Parks
Lead the development and implementation of safe routes to schools and parks by partnering with the school districts, residents, property owners, and community stakeholders.

- Policy M-3.4
Regional Coordination
Coordinate development of the City’s active transportation and transit network with adjacent jurisdictions, OCTA, and other appropriate agencies.

- Policy M-3.5
Education and Encouragement
Encourage active transportation choices through education, special events, and programs.

- Policy M-3.6
Transit Connectivity
Enhance first and last mile connectivity to transit facilities through safe, accessible, and convenient linkages.

- Policy M-3.7
Complete Streets Design
Enhance streets to facilitate safe walking, bicycling, and other nonmotorized forms of transportation through community participatory design.

- Policy M-3.8
Santa Ana River and Golden Loop
Proactively pursue the improvement and restoration of the Santa Ana River natural habitat and the completion of the Golden Loop to serve as a multiuse recreational amenity.

- Policy M-3.9
Neighborhood Traffic
Develop innovative strategies to calm neighborhood traffic, increase safety, and eliminate collisions, while also maintaining access for emergency response.

Community Element
- Policy CM-3.4
Safe Mobility
Promote the overall safety of multimodal streets by developing local and regional programs that educate and inform motorists of nonmotorized roadway users.

- Policy CM-3.7
Active Lifestyles
Support programs that promote sports, fitness, walking, biking and active lifestyles.

Open Space Element
- Policy OS-1.2
Parks and Recreation System
Provide and support a comprehensive and integrated network of parks, recreation facilities, trails, and open space that is diverse, with a variety of active and passive recreational opportunities.

- Policy OS-1.6
Park Access and Connectivity
Create a Safe Routes to Parks program that establishes and enhances access to existing and new parks and recreation facilities through safe walking, bicycling, and transit routes.

- Policy OS-1.7
Trail Connectivity
Collaborate with other City agencies, partners, and regional entities to provide, and connect regional and local trails, travelways, and access corridors to support recreation, active transportation, and park and program access. Consider greenways along the OC Streetcar route, flood control channels, and other underutilized sites.

- Policy OS-2.3
Active Lifestyles
Invest in parks, trails and programs that support sports, fitness, active transportation, and active lifestyles.

Land Use Element
- Policy LU-1.7
Active Transportation Infrastructure
Invest in active transportation connectivity between activity centers and residential neighborhoods to encourage healthy lifestyles.

Urban Design Element
- Policy UD-3.6
Linear Park System
Support open space improvements along roadways and nonvehicular paths, such as bike or multiuse trails, to create linear open space that connect to a network of parks and activity areas throughout the city.

- Policy UD-5.4
Intersections for all Travel Modes
Strengthen active transportation connections and amenities at focal intersections to promote a pleasant and safe experience for nonmotorized forms of travel.