Mobility Element
GOAL M-4: Transportation, Land Use, and Design
Coordinated transportation planning efforts with land use and design strategies that encourage sustainable development and achieve broader community goals.
- Policy M-4.1
Intense Development Areas
Program multimodal transportation and public realm improvements that support new development in areas along transit corridors and areas planned for high intensity development.

- Policy M-4.2
Project Review
Encourage active transportation, transit use, and connectivity through physical improvements and public realm amenities identified during the City’s Development Review process.

- Policy M-4.3
Transportation Management
Coordinate with OCTA, employers, and developers to utilize TDM (transportation demand management) strategies and education to reduce vehicle trips and parking demands.

- Policy M-4.4
Fair Share Impacts
Ensure that all development projects pay their fair share of the system improvements necessary to accommodate the transportation needs of their projects.

- Policy M-4.5
Land Use Development Design
Ensure that building placement and design features create a desirable and active streetscape, by prioritizing pedestrian access directly from the street and placing parking lots to the rear of a development site.

- Policy M-4.6
Roadway Capacity Alternatives
Promote reductions in automobile trips and vehicle miles traveled by encouraging transit use and nonmotorized transportation as alternatives to augmenting roadway capacity.

- Policy M-4.7
Explore and implement a flexible menu of parking options and other strategies to efficiently coordinate the response to parking demands.

- Policy M-4.8
Noise Mitigation
Encourage physical and operational improvements to reduce noise levels around major roads, freeways, and rail corridors, in particular around sensitive land uses.

- Policy M-4.9
Air Pollution Mitigation
Utilize land use, building, site planning, and technology solutions to mitigate exposure to transportation-related air pollution, especially in environmental justice focus areas.

Land Use Element
- Policy LU-1.6
Transit oriented development
Encourage residential mixed-use development, within the City’s District Centers, Urban Neighborhoods, and adjacent to high quality transit.

- Policy LU-2.10
Smart Growth
Focus high density residential in mixed-use villages, designated planning focus areas, Downtown Santa Ana, and along major travel corridors.

- Policy LU-3.6
Focused Development
Facilitate the transformation of the transit corridors through focusing medium and high density pedestrian-oriented mixed-use development at key intersections.

Housing Element
- Policy HE-1.5: Infrastructure and Public Services
Provide quality community facilities, physical infrastructure, traffic management and parking control, and other public services to promote the livability, safety, and vitality of neighborhoods.

Urban Design Element
- Policy UD-3.4
Improvements to Streetscape
Promote streetscape improvement plans that are responsive to community needs, the nature of adjacent uses, path characteristics, street classification, pedestrian scale, and view corridors.

- Policy UD-3.5
Activity Node Linkages
Promote streetscape designs that link major destination points, landmarks, and local activity nodes.