Santa Ana General Plan

Santa Ana General Plan Logo comprised of stylized outlines of Santa Ana Landmarks in front of a multi-colored sphere; this version of the logo does not include any text
Careful planning for growth begins with our General Plan. It serves as the guiding document for achieving the community’s vision for the future.

About the General Plan

Learn more about what the General Plan is and how to use it

Vision &
Core Values

Learn about our core values and Vision for the future

Thumbnail image of the General Plan land uses cropped to fit the layout.

Land Use Plan

View the General Plan Land Use Plan and Land Use Designations

Map showing the five Focus Areas in the City of Santa Ana

Focus Areas

See where and how the City is planning for new growth and development


View the 12 elements of the General Plan, organized into 3 volumes


See how the General Plan addresses Environmental Justice throughout the update process

Search the General Plan

Explore Elements of the General Plan by Core Value, Topic, or use a simple text search

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