Environmental Justice

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Community Element

  • GOAL CM-1: Recreation and Culture
    Provide opportunities for public and private recreation and cultural programs that meet the needs of Santa Ana’s diverse population.
  • Policy CM-1.1
    Access to Programs

    Provide and maintain access to recreational and cultural programs to serve residential areas. Prioritize the provision of programs for residents living within park deficient or environmental justice areas.
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  • Policy CM-1.2
    Community Input  

    Engage residents and community facility users with meaningful and effective participation to provide input and involve them in the decision-making process for community facility improvements and programming.
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  • Policy CM-1.3
    Equitable Programs 

    Encourage recreational and cultural programs and activities of local interest that are inclusive and affordable to all.
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  • Policy CM-1.4
    Shared Use 

    Expand community activities and programs provided through shared use or cooperative agreements at City facilities or partner sites.
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  • Policy CM-1.5
    Equitable Recreational Spaces 

    Promote the development and use of municipal buildings, indoor facilities, sports fields, and outdoor spaces for recreation that serve residents throughout the city, with priority given to areas that are underserved and/or within environmental justice area boundaries.
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  • Policy CM-1.6
    Recreation on Private Property

    Promote the development and use of privately-owned recreation and entertainment facilities that help meet the needs of Santa Ana residents.
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  • Policy CM-1.7
    Connections to Facilities  

    Support efforts to connect residents and visitors to local and regional cultural, educational, and natural environments.
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  • Policy CM-1.8
    Developer Involvement 

    Promote developer participation in the provision of community facilities to meet the recreational needs of residents.
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  • Policy CM-1.9
    Program Incentives 

    Incentivize use of privately owned property to promote recreation, health, wellness, and art and culture programs.
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Mobility Element

  • GOAL M-1: Comprehensive Circulation
    A comprehensive and multimodal circulation system that facilitates the safe and efficient movement of people, enhances commerce, and promotes a sustainable community.
  • Policy M-1.2
    Balanced Multimodal Network
    Provide a balanced and equitable multimodal circulation network that reflects current and changing needs.
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  • Policy M-1.7
    Proactive Mitigation
    Proactively mitigate existing and new potential air quality, noise, congestion, safety, and other impacts from the transportation network on residents and business, especially in environmental justice communities.
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  • GOAL M-3: Active Transportation A safe, balanced, and integrated network of travelways for nonmotorized modes of transportation that connects people to activity centers, inspiring healthy and active lifestyles.
  • Policy M-3.1
    Nonmotorized Travelway Network
    Expand and maintain a citywide network of nonmotorized travelways within both the public and private realms that create linkages between neighborhoods, recreational amenities, schools, employment centers, neighborhood serving commercial, and activity centers.
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  • Policy M-3.2
    Nonmotorized Travelway Amenities
    Enhance nonmotorized travelways with amenities such as landscaping, shade trees, lighting, benches, crosswalks, rest stops, bicycle parking, and support facilities that promote a pleasant and safe experience.
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  • Policy M-3.3
    Safe Routes to Schools and Parks
    Lead the development and implementation of safe routes to schools and parks by partnering with the school districts, residents, property owners, and community stakeholders.
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  • GOAL M-4: Transportation, Land Use, and Design
    Coordinated transportation planning efforts with land use and design strategies that encourage sustainable development and achieve broader community goals.
  • Policy M-4.9
    Air Pollution Mitigation
    Utilize land use, building, site planning, and technology solutions to mitigate exposure to transportation-related air pollution, especially in environmental justice focus areas.
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  • GOAL M-5: Sustainable Transportation Design
    A transportation system that is attractive, safe, state-of-the-art, and supports community, environmental, and conservation goals.
  • Policy M-5.7
    Infrastructure Condition
    Enhance travelway safety by maintaining streets, alleys, bridges, sidewalks, lighting, and other transportation infrastructure in excellent condition.
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Economic Prosperity Element

  • GOAL EP-1: Job Creation and Retention
    Foster a dynamic local economy that provides and creates employment opportunities for all residents in the city.
  • Policy EP-1.9
    Avoid Conflict of Uses
    Avoid potential land use conflicts by prohibiting the location of sensitive receptors and noxious land uses in close proximity.
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  • GOAL EP-2: Diverse Economic Base
    Maintain and enhance the diversity and regional significance of the city’s economic base.
  • Policy EP-2.4
    Community-led Economic Development
    Support community-based economic development initiatives, such as buy-local campaign, marketing strategies, and worker cooperatives.
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  • GOAL EP-3: Business Friendly Development
    Promote a business friendly environment where businesses thrive and build on Santa Ana’s strengths and opportunities.
  • Policy EP-3.3
    Mitigate Impacts
    Promote the development of sustainable and equitable new land use plans that proactively reduces negative health and economic impacts on existing residents and businesses, especially in environmental justice communities.
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Public Services Element

  • GOAL PS-1: Public Facilities
    Provide quality and efficient facilities that are adequately funded, accessible, safe, and strategically located.
  • Policy PS-1.2
    Equitable Distribution
    Ensure public services and facilities reflect changing population needs and are equitably distributed and accessible, with priority assigned to improving areas that are underserved and/or within environmental justice area boundaries.
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  • Policy PS-1.5
    Community Benefit
    Collaborate with community stakeholders to expand recreational, educational, and cultural opportunities; promote active lifestyles; and maximize community benefit.
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  • Policy PS-1.8
    Access for All
    Improve connectivity and ADA special needs accessibility at all public facilities.
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  • Policy PS-1.9
    Supportive Housing
    Collaborate with community stakeholders to identify and encourage the development of suitable sites for housing with support services.
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  • Policy PS-1.11
    Remove actual and perceived safety concerns that create barriers to physical activity by requiring adequate lighting, street visibility, and areas of clear connectivity, especially for new projects or improvements within environmental justice area boundaries.
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Conservation Element

  • GOAL CN-1: Air Quality and Climate
    Protect air resources, improve regional and local air quality, and minimize the impacts of climate change.
  • Policy CN-1.2
    Climate Action Plan
    Consistency with emission reduction goals highlighted in the Climate Action Plan shall be considered in all major decisions on land use and investments in public infrastructure.
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  • Policy CN-1.3
    Promote efforts to educate businesses and the general public about air quality standards, reducing the urban heat island effect, health effects from poor air quality and extreme heat, and best practices they can make to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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  • Policy CN-1.5
    Sensitive Receptor Decisions
    Study the impacts of stationary and non-stationary emission sources on existing and proposed sensitive uses and opportunities to minimize health and safety risks. Develop and adopt new regulations avoiding the siting of facilities that potentially emit increased pollution near sensitive receptors within environmental justice area boundaries.
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  • Policy CN-1.8
    Promote Alternative Transportation
    Promote use of alternate modes of transportation in the City of Santa Ana, including pedestrian, bicycling, public transportation, car sharing programs, and emerging technologies.
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  • Policy CN-1.9
    Public Investment Alternative Transportation Infrastructure
    Continue to invest in infrastructure projects that support public transportation and alternate modes of transportation in the City of Santa Ana, including pedestrian, bicycling, public transportation, car sharing programs, and emerging technologies.
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  • Policy CN-1.15
    Community Emissions Reduction
    Collaborate with the South Coast Air Quality Management District and local stakeholders in advance of designation as a priority community for air monitoring and reduction, and implement measures and strategies identified in other air monitoring and emissions reduction plans that are applicable to and feasible for Santa Ana.
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  • Policy CN-1.16
    Indirect source rules
    Support the development of regional legislation such as the drayage truck rule, advanced clean truck route, and heavy-duty low NOx rule by the South Coast Air Quality Management District.
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  • GOAL CN-3: Energy Resources
    Reduce consumption of and reliance on nonrenewable energy, and support the development and use of renewable energy sources.
  • Policy CN-3.5
    Promote and encourage the planting of native and diverse tree species to improve air quality, reduce heat island effect, reduce energy consumption, and contribute to carbon mitigation with special focus in environmental justice areas.
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Open Space Element

  • GOAL OS-1: Parks, Open Space, and Recreation
    Provide an integrated system of accessible parks, recreation facilities, trails, and open space to serve the City of Santa Ana.
  • Policy OS-1.1
    Park Master Plan
    Create and regularly update a citywide parks master plan to provide guidance for the acquisition, development, maintenance and programing of parks, recreation facilities, trails and open space to meet community needs.
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  • Policy OS-1.2
    Parks and Recreation System
    Provide and support a comprehensive and integrated network of parks, recreation facilities, trails, and open space that is diverse, with a variety of active and passive recreational opportunities.
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  • Policy OS-1.3
    Park Standard
    Establish and maintain public parks, open space and recreation requirements for new residential and nonresidential development to provide sufficient opportunities for Santa Ana residents and visitors. Attain a minimum of three acres of land per 1,000 persons residing in the City of Santa Ana.
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  • Policy OS-1.4
    Park distribution
    Ensure that all City residents have access to public parks, recreation facilities, or trails in the City of Santa Ana, within a 10-minute walking and biking distance of their homes. Prioritize park provision, programs, and partnerships in park deficient and environmental justice areas.
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  • Policy OS-1.7
    Trail Connectivity
    Collaborate with other City agencies, partners, and regional entities to provide, and connect regional and local trails, travelways, and access corridors to support recreation, active transportation, and park and program access. Consider greenways along the OC Streetcar route, flood control channels, and other underutilized sites.
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  • Policy OS-1.8
    Land Acquisition and Equitable Distribution
    Acquire available lands for parks, open space, greenways and trail corridors, with priority given to sites that are within park deficient and environmental justice areas.
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  • Policy OS-1.9
    New Development
    Require all new development to provide adequate parks and open space, including via parkland dedication or development fees, in order to meet the City’s park standard. Ensure that new development includes pedestrian and multi-modal travelways to promote a quality living environment. For new development within park deficient and environmental justice areas, prioritize the creation and dedication of new public parkland over the collection of impact fees.
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  • Policy OS-1.12
    Shared Use
    Collaborate with school districts, faith-based communities, and community serving organizations to expand shared use facilities through cooperative agreements to maximize recreation options.
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  • GOAL OS-2: Healthy, Safe, and Inclusive Opportunities
    Provide welcoming, inclusive, safe, and healthy parks, recreation facilities, and activities to serve Santa Ana residents regardless of age, ability, or income.
  • Policy OS-2.4
    Urban Agriculture and Healthy Foods
    Expand urban agriculture opportunities in private development and public spaces, including home gardens, community gardens, and urban farms. Support healthy food choices through amenities and programs.
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  • Policy  OS-2.7
    Healthy Indoor Options
    Encourage or incentivize new commercial and residential development to provide private indoor recreation space when located in areas with high levels of localized air pollution or if site is adjacent to freeways or heavy industrial uses.
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  • Policy OS-2.8
    Hazardous Materials
    Reduce or eliminate, where feasible, the use of pesticides and herbicides that negatively impact human health at park facilities and publicly accessible open spaces.
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  • Policy OS-2.11
    Community Involvement and Volunteerism
    Encourage residents, stakeholders, neighborhood groups, businesses, schools, social organizations, and public agencies to volunteer and partner in the development, maintenance, and activation of publicly-owned parks and recreation facilities.
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  • Policy OS-2.12
    Park and Facility Character
    Ensure that parks and recreation facilities incorporate placemaking elements that foster social connections and community pride such as art, landscaping, murals, and amenities and facilities that reflect site character and local needs.
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  • Policy OS-2.13
    Neighborhood Needs
    Consider unique neighborhood and demographic needs in the development of local parks, open spaces and programs. Balance these unique needs with efforts to ensure affordability and serve residents citywide.
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  • GOAL OS-3: Park Maintenance, Stewardship and Sustainability
    Maintain and manage parks, recreation facilities, trails and open space to sustain City assets and support safe use.
  • Policy OS-3.1
    Park and Facility Maintenance
    Ensure all parks, recreation facilities and open spaces are well maintained.
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Safety Element

  • GOAL S-2: Hazardous Materials
    Protect residents and environmental resources from contaminated hazardous material sites and minimize risks associated with the use, production, storage, transport, and disposal of hazardous materials.
  • Policy S-2.1
    Regional Collaboration
    Consult and collaborate with federal, state, and regional agencies to identify and regulate the use, storage and disposal of hazardous materials, prevent the illegal transportation and disposal of hazardous waste, and facilitate the cleanup of contaminated sites.
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  • Policy S-2.2
    Hazardous Waste Generators
    Collaborate with appropriate agencies to identify and inventory all users and handlers of hazardous materials to proactively mitigate potential impacts. Promote transparency and accountability by publishing city, regional, and state data and resources on toxic spills, water pollution, illegal discharges, industrial and commercial air violations on a dedicated Santa Ana Environmental Quality webpage.
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  • Policy S-2.3
    Transportation and Storage
    Coordinate with the County of Orange, the California Department of Transportation, and other relevant parties to enforce state and local laws regulating the storage and transport of hazardous materials within the City of Santa Ana, and limit truck routes through the city to arterials streets away from natural habitats and sensitive land uses.
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  • Policy S-2.4
    Planning and Remediation
    Determine the presence of hazardous materials and/or waste contamination prior to approval of new uses and require that appropriate measures be taken to protect the health and safety of site users and the community.
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  • Policy S-2.5
    Education and Best Practices
    Promote public awareness of best practices for and participation in household hazardous waste management and disposal.
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  • Policy S-2.6
    Existing Sensitive Uses
    Partner and collaborate with property owners, businesses, and community groups to develop strategies to protect and minimize risks from existing hazardous material sites to existing nearby sensitive uses, with priority given to discontinuing such uses within environmental justice area boundaries.
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Land Use Element

  • GOAL LU-1: Growing Responsibly
    Provide a land use plan that improves quality of life and respects our existing community.
  • Policy LU-1.1
    Compatible Uses
    Foster compatibility between land uses to enhance livability and promote healthy lifestyles.
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  • Policy LU-1.3
    Equitable Creation and Distribution of Open Space
    Promote the creation of new open space and community-serving amenities in park-deficient areas that keeps pace with the increase in multi-unit housing development, with priority given to those that are also within environmental justice area boundaries.
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  • Policy LU-1.7
    Active Transportation Infrastructure
    Invest in active transportation connectivity between activity centers and residential neighborhoods to encourage healthy lifestyles.
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  • GOAL LU-2: Land Use Needs
    Provide a balance of land uses that meet Santa Ana’s diverse needs.
  • Policy LU-2.3
    Supportive Spaces
    Provide a diversity of land uses that support residents, visitors, and businesses, such as open space, areas for community gatherings, and outdoor entertainment venues.
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  • Policy LU-2.5
    Benefits of Mixed-Use
    Encourage infill mixed-use development at all ranges of affordability to reduce vehicle miles traveled, improve jobs/housing balance, and promote social interaction.
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  • Policy LU-2.9
    Open Space Needs
    Establish and maintain public open space and recreation requirements for new residential and nonresidential uses to provide sufficient open space and recreational opportunities for Santa Ana residents and visitors.
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  • GOAL LU-3: Compatibility of Uses
    Preserve and improve the character and integrity of existing neighborhoods and districts.
  • Policy LU-3.2
    Empower Community
    Facilitate community engagement and dialogue in policy decisions and outcomes affecting land use and development, with supplemental opportunities for proposed planning activities within environmental justice area boundaries.
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  • Policy LU-3.8
    Sensitive Receptors
    Avoid the development of industry and sensitive receptors in close proximity to each other that could pose a hazard to human health and safety due to the quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics of the hazardous materials utilized, or the hazardous waste an operation may generate or emit.
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  • Policy LU-3.9
    Noxious, Hazardous, Dangerous, and Polluting Uses
    Improve the health of residents, students, and workers by limiting the impacts of construction activities and operation of noxious, hazardous, dangerous, and polluting uses that are in close proximity to sensitive receptors, with priority given to discontinuing such uses within environmental justice area boundaries.
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  • Policy LU-3.11
    Air Pollution Buffers
    Work with the Environmental Justice Action Committee to develop and implement landscaping and other local land use and zoning buffer strategies, guided by the California Air Resources Board and Southern California Air Quality Management District best practices, to separate existing sensitive uses from rail lines, heavy industrial facilities, and other emissions sources. As feasible, apply more substantial buffers within environmental justice area boundaries.
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  • Policy LU-3.12
    Indoor Air Quality
    Require new sensitive land uses proposed in areas with high levels of localized air pollution to achieve good indoor air quality through landscaping, ventilation systems, or other measures.
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  • GOAL LU-4: Complete Communities
    Support a sustainable Santa Ana through improvements to the built environment and a culture of collaboration.
  • Policy LU-4.6
    Healthy Living Conditions
    Support diverse and innovative housing types that improve living conditions and promote a healthy environment.
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  • Policy LU-4.8
    Community Partnerships
    Collaborate with property owners, community organizations, and other local stakeholders to identify opportunities for additional open space and community services, such as community gardens and gathering places.
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  • Policy LU-4.9
    Recreational Amenities
    Encourage public, private and commercial recreational facilities in areas that are park and open space deficient.
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Housing Element

  • Policy HE-1.9
    Tenant Protections
    Provide information and resources to residential tenants regarding landlord-tenant laws that provide protection against unjust evictions, and State and local rent increase limits.
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  • Policy HE-2.6
    Housing Design
    Require excellence in architectural design through the use of materials and colors, building treatments, landscaping, open space, parking, and environmentally sensitive (“green”) building and design practices.
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  • Policy HE-4.5
    Healthy Homes
    Support efforts to make homes healthier by addressing health hazards associated with lead-based paint and soil, asbestos, vermin, mold, and VOC-laden materials, and prohibiting smoking in multifamily projects, among others.
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  • Policy HE-5.4
    Resources and Services
    Continue to fund services and support organizations that provide counseling, dispute resolution, and fair housing services, and make a concerted effort to disseminate resources to underrepresented residents, including non-English speakers.
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Urban Design Element

  • GOAL UD-1: Physical Character Improve the physical character and livability of the City to promote a sense of place, positive community image, and quality environment.
  • Policy UD-1.6
    Active Transportation Infrastructure
    Support the creation of citywide public street and site amenities that accommodate and promote an active transportation-friendly environment.
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  • GOAL UD-3: Attractive Travelways Create and maintain safe and attractive travelways through coordinated streetscape design.
  • Policy UD-3.2
    Activate Paths
    Strengthen and activate the design of paths and adjacent development through enhanced and cohesive streetscapes, architectural themes, and landscaping.
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  • Policy UD-3.3
    Foster Community Building
    Promote a safe environment that facilitates social interaction and improves active transportation along corridors.
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  • Policy UD-3.6
    Linear Park System

    Support open space improvements along roadways and nonvehicular paths, such as bike or multiuse trails, to create linear open space that connect to a network of parks and activity areas throughout the city.
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