Maintaining utility systems 24-7
  The City's Public Works Agency is responsible for building and maintaining all storm drains, sewers, and water facilities to ensure our residents enjoy the benefits of a safe and sanitary infrastructure system. This infrastructure system is critically important but is generally unseen because its major components form an expansive system of pipes, channels, tubes, and shafts that run across and underneath the streets and easements in Santa Ana. This image shows repair and maintenance work on utility pipes conducted at 3:30 am on a Wednesday morning in January 2018.
Roosevelt-Walker Community Center
  The community center (opened 2018) is a joint-use facility where the City and the Santa Ana Unified School District share space to provide the neighborhood, its students, and their families with services. Portions of the center are open during school hours and operated by the City to offer self-enrichment classes to the community, and other areas are open after school hours and on weekends to provide the community with recreational opportunities, a community garden, and educational classes and workshops.
  The City's Public Works Agency purchases millions of killowat-hours every year to operate well pumps and booster pumps to deliver clean water. The City continuously evaluates and implements onsite renewable energy systems (shown here is a hydropower project) to offset some of this electric load, lowering electric bills and reducing the associated greenhouse gas emissions.Public Services Element

Ongoing Community Outreach and Engagement
  As part of the community oriented policing philosophy, the Santa Ana Police Department is expanding partnerships with local organizations and neighborhood association, enhancing transparency initiatives, and expanding community engagement (shown above is the Pizza with Police event).
McFadden Triangle Park
  Leveraging grant funds, the City opened the McFadden Triangle Park in 2012, providing a 0.80-acre pocket park and bike stop along the Santa Ana River Trail while restoring habitat and providing stormwater management.
Water Systems Maintenance
  The City's Water Resources Division constantly strives to meet the challenges of conservation, environmental compliance, sustainability, and community education while serving the needs of all of the city's water users.