Photo courtesy of Lisandro Orozco
Downtown Santa Ana at Night
  Downtown Santa Ana is a gathering place for artists, entrepreneurs, and multiple industries. Multiple partnerships between the City, other local agencies, local businesses, and residents reflect the creation of a tight-knit, thriving community that seeks out a shared vision of economic prosperity. The image above shows nighttime activity looking south along Main Street, with 5th Street in the foreground as a cross street.
Science, Education, and Commerce
  This view of Santa Ana displays the broad range of amenities, assets, and opportunities found across the city. The Discovery Cube (left foreground) provides hands-on exhibits and special programs to bring the wonder of science to people of all ages. The headquarters of Rancho Santiago Community College District can be seen along Broadway, opposite the Discovery Cube. In the background (far left) are the headquarters of Caltrans District 12 and the 15-story Tower 1851 in the Metro East district. Direct access to four major freeways enables businesses to attract customers and workers throughout southern California.
Advances in Manufacturing Technology
  Santa Ana College provides training, certificates, and degrees in manufacturing technology, giving people the job skills to compete in and adapt to industry changes. Jobs in manufacturing provide living wages, and economic forecasts continue to project continued growth and demand for high-skilled labor.Economic Prosperity Element

Photo courtesy of Harveys
  Retail and manufacturing in one place. What started in a garage in 1998 in Santa Ana is now a burgeoning operation that produces and sells about 60,000 purses a year. A former diesel truck repair yard was converted by Harveys in 2019 into a place where retail sales and manufacturing occur in the same location.
Photo courtesy of Downtown Inc.
Downtown Santa Ana Artwalk
  Since 1999, the Downtown Santa Ana Artwalk has been an epicenter of creativity, expression, and inspiration for artists, art enthusiasts, and those who simply want to engage in a vibrant, living city filled with culture.
One Broadway Plaza
  At 37 stories and reaching almost 500 feet at its peak, the mixed-use tower will become the tallest building in Orange County and an iconic landmark for Santa Ana. Roughly half the building would be residential with the other half designed for professional office.
Community Input
  The community expressed their desires to see broader economic and workforce development, job training for local residents, and greater support and economic success for small businesses during all phases of the General Plan preparation, including at events such as a community meeting in 2016 (pictured above) and focused input such as the 2017 General Plan Advisory Group meetings.