Fiestas Patrias
  On September 14 to 15, 2015, the City sponsored the 41st Annual Fiestas Patrias, celebrating Mexican Independence Day and Latin culture in the city. Thousands attended the free event and enjoyed two full days of top-level entertainment, delicious food, carnival rides and games, art and culture exhibits, and a variety of vendor booths. On Sunday, a parade for Fiestas Patrias (see image) made its way through the Downtown.
  People of all ages and abilities showed up to participate in the City’s annual 5K fun run in downtown Santa Ana (2016 event shown here). After the 5K run, the streets remained closed for the start of the Ciclovia event, when everyone was invited to walk, run, or bike while stopping to visit local eateries, stores, and health and wellness booths.
Photo courtesy of Downtown Inc
Boca De Oro Festival
  The Boca De Oro Festival of Literary Arts and Culture or “mouth of gold,” curates diverse and evocative writers, poets, storytellers, and artists who present their work through literary readings, workshops, panel discussions, poetry slams, spoken word styles, and visual art experiences. An outgrowth of the monthly Art Walks, which started in the 1990s in collaboration with local artists, Boca de Oro is the result of community engagement with Santa Ana’s small businesses through the Santa Ana Business Council in partnership with Santa Ana Unified School District, Santa Ana College, and the City of Santa Ana.
Bao Quang Temple
  Located in west Santa Ana, the temple was founded (and partially built) by Thich Quang Thanh, who was not only the abbot but also a renowned local humanitarian and artist. The temple serves as a cultural center, with its interior and exterior grounds filled with statues, artwork, and other artifacts. This image displays some of the temple’s ornate interior.Community Element
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Photo courtesy of Santa Ana College
Santa Ana College
  Over 36,000 area residents attend Santa Ana College, with the photo above showing the campus’ central walkway and facilities. Santa Ana College provides access and equity in a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for transfer, careers, and lifelong intellectual pursuits. Photo courtesy of Santa Ana College
Santa Ana Earth Day and Health Fest
  The City of Santa Ana provides information and resources to live more sustainably and to enhance personal health, fitness, and active living through events like the 2011 Earth Day and Health Fest at Centennial Park.
Community Input
  Residents expressed strong desires to maintain and enhance their quality of life through improved recreation, cultural, and educational programming during all phases of the General Plan preparation, including at events such as the 2018 Fiestas Patrias event (pictured above) and focused input such as the 2017 General Plan Advisory Group meetings.
Garfield Community Center
  Through coalition building, the need for a community center in the Lacy neighborhood was met through a partnership between the City of Santa Ana and Santa Ana Unified School District. Garfield Community Center opened in 2014 as a joint-use facility that serves the surrounding Lacy neighborhood, Downtown, and the greater Santa Ana community.