Vision and Core Values

Santa Ana General Plan Logo with slogan "golden city beyond"

Vision and Core Values

Icon for health core value HEALTH

The people of Santa Ana value a physical environment that encourages healthy lifestyles, a planning process that ensures that health impacts are considered, and a community that actively pursues policies and practices that improve the health of our residents.

Icon for Equity core value Icon for Equity core value with environmental justice EQUITY

Our residents value taking all necessary steps to ensure equitable outcomes, expanding access to the tools and resources that residents need, and to balance competing interests in an open and democratic manner.

The value of equity that includes “EJ” in the upper corner indicates a policy related to environmental justice.

Icon for sustainability core value SUSTAINABILITY

Santa Ana values land use decisions that benefit future generations, plans for the impacts of climate change, and incorporates sustainable design practices at all levels of the planning process.

Icon for culture core value CULTURE

Our community values efforts that celebrate our differences as a source of strength, preserve and build upon existing cultural resources, and nurture a citywide culture of empowered residents.

Icon for education core value EDUCATION

We are a city that values the creation of lifelong learners, the importance of opening up educational opportunities to all residents and investing in educational programs that advance our residents’ economic wellbeing.

A vision statement is the expression of our community’s past, present, and future; our aspirations and dreams; and is only bound by the limits of our ambition. The following vision was created through a collaborative process that included community comments, the General Plan Advisory Group, and the City Council. This vision guides the General Plan’s goals and policies and future decisions.

Santa Ana is a city that promotes the health and wellness of all residents, with a civic culture that actively embraces the power of diversity. Our city invests in resources that create economic opportunities for the next generation, and it is a community that celebrates our past while working together to create a sustainable future.

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