• Maintain. To keep a system, facility, area, or activity in continuously sound condition, as defined by approved standards.
  • Mansionization. Term used to describe residential building additions, or building replacements which lack compatibility with the scale and character of the surrounding neighborhood. Typically such additions, or replacements are constructed in conformance with existing development regulations.
  • Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH). The MPAH establishes a system of countywide arterial highways for long-range transportation planning in Orange County. This plan requires interagency coordination for a variety of street types to ensure safe and efficient transportation.
  • May. To offer the possibility but not the probability or promise of a certain commitment of resources or support; associated with action or activity that is often desirable and allowed, but implementation of such action or activity is often conditional.
  • Minimize. To reduce something to the smallest amount or degree feasible.
  • Ministerial. An action taken by a governmental agency that follows established procedures and rules and does not call for the exercise of judgment in deciding whether to approve a project.
  • Mitigation measures. Conditions imposed upon a project with the intent of avoiding, or minimizing, the potential negative impact of the project.
  • Mixed use. Type of development which allows a combination of land uses within a single development.
  • Monitor. To track the performance of a particular physical condition, activity accomplishment or aspect of change, with a view toward using the results to inform future actions and commitments.
  • Mutual aid. Mutual aid is assistance that, based on a contractual agreement, is dispatched on an as-needed and requested basis between two emergency service departments, communities, or districts when an emergency occurs. It differs from automatic aid, which is dispatched automatically.
  • Nodes. Urban elements of compatible, intense activity.
  • Nondescript. Without distinctive architectural form or style. Ordinary and without architectural character.
  • Nonmotorized transportation. This term is often interchangeably used with active transportation. It typically includes walking, bicycling, and variants such as small-wheeled transport (skates, skateboards, push scooters and hand carts) and wheelchair travel.
  • Notify. To advise a specified party or parties regarding an event or change for which there is an obligation to inform or need to know.
  • Objective. A specific condition or state that is an intermediate step toward attaining a goal.
  • Obstruction. Any object of natural growth, terrain or permanent or temporary construction or alteration including equipment or materials used therein, the height of which exceeds the standards established in Subpart C of Federal Aviation Regulations Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace.
  • Open Space. Recreational and green spaces, including parks, commercial open space, manicured landscaped areas, and public facilities such as trail corridors, water channels and rail infrastructure.
  • Opportunity Zones. An Opportunity Zone is an area designated under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, where new investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment. Opportunity Zones are an economic development tool—that is, they are designed to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities.
  • Overdraft. The condition of a groundwater supply in which the average annual amount of water withdrawn by pumping exceeds the average annual amount of water replenishing the aquifer in any ten year period, considering all sources of recharge and withdrawal.
  • Park and Parkland. Publicly accessible sites and green space that are owned and/or managed by the City of Santa Ana to support recreation and social gathering.
  • Park Deficient Area. Areas of the community that are outside the standard public parkland service radius such as ½ mile for Community Parks and ¼ mile for Neighborhood Parks, respectively.
  • Partner. To join with another entity in conducting an activity or building a facility that would be mutually beneficial and add value more efficiently than if pursued independently; does not necessarily require financial commitments. Similar to “cooperate”.
  • Path. In city form terms a path if a traveling route which can take the form of a street, road or other pedestrian or vehicular route which is a fundamental part of the urban fabric of the city and the means by which people circulation throughout the city.
    Pedestrian-oriented development. Urban design that provides clear, comfortable, and safe pedestrian access to an area and its surroundings, without reliance on a car.
  • Periodically. The action will take place or apply to future decisions at specified intervals or times.
  • Policy. A statement that guides decision-making and specifies public commitment. A policy defines and directs how the city intends to achieve goals.
  • Prevent. To keep a particular use, condition, activity, or circumstance from occurring; it does not imply complete (100 percent) avoidance or elimination.
  • Preserve. To maintain something in its original or existing state (verb). An area dedicated to the protection and conservation of biological resources and/or landscapes (noun).
  • Prioritize. To intentionally direct discretionary investments or actions to one area ahead of other areas. The act of prioritizing is an ad-hoc process that considers a variety of relevant factors. State and federal law and agency requirements, court orders, and County- or City-declared emergencies take precedent over the prioritization direction in the General Plan.
  • Prohibit. To absolutely disallow something from happening or being built.
  • Promote. To actively stimulate the likelihood and desirability of something happening; does not require investing public resources in its direct development.
  • Proportion. Balanced relationship of the size of parts to each other and to the whole.
  • Protect. To shield from damage to people or property.
  • Provide. To make something available, typically to a community, organization, or business; it does not imply that the thing is being made available at no cost.
  • Public infrastructure. Capital facilities that are owned and maintained by public entities, including but not limited to: flood control, water, sewer, transportation, parks, law and justice, fire prevention and protection, public health, and facilities for parks, recreation, and other community services.

(no terms)

Recycled water. Water which, as a result of treatment of waste, is suitable for a direct beneficial use or a controlled use that would not otherwise occur and is therefore considered a valuable resource. A form of water reuse that includes primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater to produce water suitable for a variety of non-potable applications, most notably for landscaping irrigation and industrial uses. Recycled water is synonymous with “reclaimed water,” “Title 22 Water” (water that conforms to the Uniform Statewide Recycling Criteria), and “treated wastewater.”
Reflect. To embody or represent (something) in a faithful or appropriate way.
Region / regional. A geographic area; or pertaining to activities or economies at a scale greater than that of a single jurisdiction, and affecting a broad geographic area.
Report. To provide public information on a subject or condition.
Require. To absolutely impose an obligation or standard.
Resiliency. The ability to adapt to changing conditions and prepare for, withstand, and rapidly recover from disruption or disasters.
Respect. To give due regard for something or to hold something in high regard.
Restoration. To put back exactly to an original state.
Right-of-way (ROW). The legally granted access that a roadway, railroad, or other travel corridor or transportation facility can use. The right of way can extend beyond the asphalt in a street and include adjacent land.

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