Focus Areas

Figure LU-5 shows the locations of the five focus areas, where more detailed land use planning was required to guide future growth and development.

About the Focus Areas

Five focus areas were identified by the General Plan Advisory Committee and refined by City staff as the areas of the city most suitable for new development.

The focus areas are geographically distributed throughout the city, and each allows Santa Ana to meet its diverse needs in different ways. Follow the links below to see the purpose and intent, specific objectives, and custom land uses for each focus area that were defined to facilitate new types of urban development, reimagine these areas, realize the community’s vision, and further embody Santa Ana’s core values.

  1. South Main Street Focus Area
  2. Grand Avenue / 17th Street Focus Area
  3. West Santa Ana Boulevard Focus Area
  4. 55 Freeway / Dyer Road Focus Area
  5. South Bristol Street Focus Area
Aerial view of Northern Santa Ana showing two mixed-use areas (one current and one future)
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