A mural of a woman holding out her hands as flowers grow around her.

Implementation Actions



Implementation Actions

An implementation plan is a coordinated series of actions the City desires to take in the future that are intended to advance, over the long term, the City’s Shared Vision, Core Values, and the General Plan goals and policies. An implementation plan is thus a follow-up measure for this element. Taken as a whole, these programs represent the City’s best thinking today on what actions should be taken to address the considerations and concerns of the community and make sure that the plan’s aspirations are achieved.

Implementation is in large part contingent on adequate funding. Many of these actions can be pursued through initiatives already underway. Other programs will require additional resources. Therefore, the exact mix and timing of programs the City may pursue will in part be opportunity driven, dependent on the availability of funding, staffing, and other necessary resources. The Time Frame in the Implementation Tables below is the target for completion of the Action.

Environmental Justice policies may be implemented by amendments to existing plans, ordinances, development standards, and design guidelines; capital investments/projects; and interagency/interjurisdictional coordination. The following table identifies the implementation action, the responsible City agency, and targeted timeline for accomplishment.

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Implementation Action

Agency /
Time Frame

Goal CM-1: Provide opportunities for public and private recreation and cultural programs that meet the needs of Santa Ana’s diverse population.
1.1 EJ action icon (Community Element) Engage EJ communities on recreation and cultural programs. Incorporate community stakeholders from environmental justice communities to form an Environmental Justice Action Committee to guide the identification of recreational and cultural programing needs and desires. PRCSA/PBA 2023
1.2 EJ action icon (Community Element) Community conversation. Plan for and conduct a community survey every two years related to community health, pollution concerns, parks, community engagement, and community service needs, with focused outreach to environmental justice priority areas, utilizing various platforms, such as social media and school events, to encourage substantial survey participation. CMO Every two Years
1.3 EJ action icon (Community Element) Collaboration. Develop intentional, strategic partnerships with public, private, and nonprofit entities to improve health outcomes by leveraging capacity, resources, and programs around mutually beneficial initiatives that promote health, equity, and sustainability in neighborhoods within environmental justice area boundaries. Develop a comprehensive partnership policy providing guidelines that can be used throughout the City organization. PBA/PRCSA 2022 -2024
1.4 EJ action icon (Community Element) Community coordination on underutilized spaces. Coordinate with community residents, property owners, and other stakeholders to identify vacant and potentially underutilized properties and strategize how such properties could be repurposed into public parks or commercial recreation facilities. PBA/PRCSA 2022 & ongoing
1.5 EJ action icon (Community Element) Alternative facilities. In park deficient and environmental justice areas, identify facilities that are viable alternatives to public parks and municipal facilities for recreational, cultural, and health and wellness programs, including but not limited to school facilities, facilities of faith-based and civic organizations, and privately owned recreation and entertainment facilities. Identify, inventory, and rank other resources for potential park system acquisition, expansion to existing parks, and/or parks development opportunity within the community. PRCSA 2022
1.6 EJ action icon (Community Element) Program accessibility. To ensure residents of environmental justice area boundaries have access to recreational, cultural, and health and wellness programs, establish accessibility corridors that provide attractive, comfortable, and safe pedestrian and bike access to public recreational facilities in the Parks Master Plan (an implementation action of the Open Space Element). Identify public realm improvements needed to create these accessibility corridors. Prioritize investments for accessibility corridors in the city’s capital investment program; include investments for accessibility corridors when investments are made in new parks and recreation facilities within environmental justice area boundaries. PRCSA/PWA 2022
1.7 EJ action icon (Community Element) Rental property outreach. Augment the Proactive Rental Enforcement Team and Residential Response Team with additional outreach geared toward absentee owners of rental properties. Create and periodically distribute outreach materials in order to educate absentee owners about legal obligations to maintain and upkeep rental properties. Distribute information to tenants about their rights and protection, so they are not penalized for reporting or living in a dwelling unit that does not meet health and safety standards. Translate outreach efforts into Spanish, Vietnamese, and other appropriate languages. Prioritize such outreach for properties within environmental justice area boundaries. PBA 2022 & Ongoing
1.8 EJ action icon (Community Element) Neighborhood rehabilitation. Continue to seek state and federal funding for neighborhood rehabilitation projects and collaborate with community-based organizations to identify housing issues and improvements needed, especially for housing within environmental justice area boundaries. CDA Ongoing
Goal CM-2: Provide exceptional, accessible, and diverse educational programs and facilities to meet community needs.
2.1 EJ action icon (Community Element) Facilities to support lifelong learning. For areas within park deficient and environmental justice areas, conduct, maintain, and publicize an inventory of public, nongovernmental, and private facilities that can be used by organizations to support early childhood education, after school activities, libraries and learning centers, and other meetings and educational opportunities. CMO 2024
2.2 EJ action icon (Community Element) Public realm. Identify areas in need of a public realm plan to provide attractive, comfortable, and safe walking corridors to promote accessibility to community programs or activity centers, in conjunction with the City’s Active Transportation Plan. PWA/PBA Ongoing
Goal CM-3: Promote the health and wellness of all Santa Ana residents.
3.1 EJ action icon (Community Element) Community health care facilities. Evaluate options to support existing and potential community health care facilities in environmental justice focus areas through a variety of mechanisms such as reduced permit fees, reduced impact fees, and tax incentives. PBA/CMO 2023
3.2 EJ action icon (Community Element) Pedestrian access to health facilities. Ensure that new or redeveloped health care facilities include pedestrian-friendly site amenities. In areas where mobile clinics are stationed, ensure the location is safe and accessible for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. PBA Ongoing
3.3 EJ action icon (Community Element) Health Metrics. Engage with the Orange County Health Care Agency and other stakeholders to monitor key health indicators to measure the success of the outcome of General Plan policies and the implementation plan, including reduction in incidence in asthma and low birth weight of infants. PBA/CMO 2022
3.4 EJ action icon (Community Element) Prevention activities. Coordinate with the County Health Care Agency to identify the root causes of health disparities and inequities in Santa Ana, with additional detail for residents living within environmental justice area boundaries. Identify potential programmatic changes and resources to better address the root causes. PBA/CMO 2022 -2024
3.5 EJ action icon (Community Element) Environmental Education. Encourage all education institutions in Santa Ana to include curriculum regarding environmental justice and local efforts to promote clean business operations, environmental quality, and the health in our community. PBA/CMO 2022 -2024
3.6 EJ action icon (Community Element) Fresh and healthy foods. Pursue programs, incentives, and/or grants to encourage urban agriculture and small grocery or convenience stores to sell fresh foods in the city, especially those within environmental justice area boundaries. Examples include grants or loans to purchase updated equipment, publicity, or directories of healthy food outlets, or connecting stores to wholesale sources of healthy, local, or organic food. CDA 2022
3.6A EJ action icon (Community Element) Food Deserts. Collaborate with Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) to gather and map food desert data, and share publicly through the City’s Environmental Quality webpage. PBA 2024
3.7 EJ action icon (Community Element) Public health and wellness collaboration summit. Collaborate with health care providers, health and wellness advocates, and other public health stakeholders to identify ways to improve the provision of and access to health and wellness services throughout the city. Include a discussion on areas within environmental justice area boundaries and other areas underserved by parks, programs and services that support health and wellness. PRCSA 2022 & ongoing
3.8 EJ action icon (Community Element) Environmental soil and human health screening measures. Collaborate with Orange County Health Care Agency, and local stakeholders such as Orange County Environmental Justice and UC Irvine Public Health, in efforts to provide increase healthcare services (i.e., blood lead testing, treatment) for residents, especially those that reside in environmental justice communities. Additionally, collaborate to advocate for adjustment of the County and State policies for health and environmental screening levels to promote healthy outcomes related to lead contamination as recommended by health experts. PBA Ongoing
3.9 EJ action icon (Community Element) Environmental Justice Staff. Identify funding and hire a full-time Environmental Justice staff member to collaborate with the community to implement the environmental justice policies and actions including community outreach, collaboration on environmental health studies, pursuing grants, and coordination with federal, state, and local agencies regarding environmental concerns in the City. CMO 2022
CDA – Community Development Agency; CMO – City Manager’s Office; HR – Human Resources Department; PBA – Planning and Building Agency; PWA – Public Works Agency; PRCSA – Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency; PD – Police Department
EJ action icon (Community Element) associated with environmental justice policies


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Implementation Action

Agency /
Time Frame

GOAL M-3: A safe, balanced, and integrated network of travelways for nonmotorized modes of transportation that connects people to activity centers, inspiring healthy and active lifestyles.

3.4EJ action icon (Community Element) 

Pedestrian opportunity zones. Prepare public realm plans in pedestrian opportunity zones.

PWA/PBA 2022-2035

GOAL M-4: Coordinated transportation planning efforts with land use and design strategies that encourage sustainable development and achieve broader community goals.

4.4 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Residential parking. Reevaluate the Residential Permit Parking Program to ensure it complies with state law and best practices.


GOAL M-5: A transportation system that is attractive, safe, state-of-the-art, and supports community, environmental, and conservation goals.

5.7 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Parking management strategies. Evaluate parking management strategies, such as parking assessment districts, to facilitate parking in areas programmed for future development.


CDA – Community Development Agency; CMO – City Manager’s Office; HR – Human Resources Department; PBA – Planning and Building Agency; PWA – Public Works Agency; PRCSA – Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency; PD – Police Department
EJ action icon (Community Element) associated with environmental justice policies


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Implementation Action

Time Frame

GOAL EP-3: Business Friendly Environment Promote a business friendly environment where businesses thrive and build on Santa Ana’s strengths and opportunities.

3.5 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Green business incentives. Continue to promote and market the Recycling Market Development Zone. Develop an incentive program to encourage nonpolluting industry and clean green technology companies that reduce environmental impacts and the carbon footprint to locate to the city. Encourage existing businesses to invest in technology and best practice to transition to sustainable business practices.


CDA – Community Development Agency; PBA – Planning and Building Agency; PD – Police Department; CMO – City Manager’s Office; PWA – Public Works Agency; HR- Human Resources Department; PRCSA – Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency
EJ action icon (Community Element) associated with environmental justice policies

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Implementation Action

Agency /
Time Frame

GOAL PS-1: Provide quality and efficient facilities that are adequately funded, accessible, safe, and strategically located.

1.4 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Fiscal priority for public improvements. Identify City fiscal and operational procedures and potential thresholds involved in the prioritization of general funds for public programming, service, or infrastructure improvements for residents living within environmental justice area boundaries.

CMO 2021 & annually

CDA – Community Development Agency; CMO – City Manager’s Office; HR – Human Resources Department; PBA – Planning and Building Agency; PWA – Public Works Agency; PRCSA – Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency; PD – Police Department
EJ action icon (Community Element) associated with environmental justice policies


Ref #

Implementation Action

Agency / Time Frame

Goal OS-1: Provide an integrated system of accessible parks, recreation facilities, trails, and open space to serve the City of Santa Ana.

1.2 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Interagency Forum. Convene an interagency forum to take a coordinated approach to evaluating the feasibility for converting City-owned properties to parkland, with special focus in park deficient and environmental justice areas.

PRCSA 2022

1.7 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Public parkland requirements for residential projects. Update the Residential Development Fee Ordinance for large residential projects, which include projects of 100 residential units or more, to require public parkland within the City limits and a 10-minute walking distance of the new residential projects.


1.7A EJ action icon (Community Element)

Open space and park land incentives. Allow developers a reduction in on-site open space by giving credits for park land for public use. Establish a process and program to incentivize developers to provide additional on-site and/or publicly accessible open space to create public park land and open space. Research and collaborate with residents, developers, and community organizations to design and implement an open space density bonus to incentivize the creation of additional on-site open space in exchange for more density in the project.

PBA & PRCSA 2022-2027

1.10 EJ action icon (Community Element)

New parkland collaborative. Coordinate with property owners to explore options to provide public access and programming on privately-owned open space in park deficient areas, including options to acquire land through purchase, land dedication, easements, and land leases that would allow for permanent or temporary public use of land for open space and recreational opportunities.

PRCSA 2022 & ongoing

1.11 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Joint-use agreements. Coordinate with public school districts, private schools, and other community organizations to provide community members with access to additional open space and recreational resources.

PRCSA 2022 & ongoing

1.13 EJ action icon (Community Element)

New programming in underserved areas. Partner with community organizations to offer new programs that are accessible to residents who live in areas underserved by open space and recreational facilities. Develop a comprehensive partnership policy providing guidelines that can be used throughout the City organization.

PRCSA 2022

1.14 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Community partnerships. Continue building partnerships with community-based organizations that administer social services to the elderly, youth, and other special needs groups; create use agreements for these providers to use public park facilities to meet the recreational and educational needs of these groups.


1.15 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Community input. Identify and utilize multilingual and interactive community engagement tools, initiated through the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, for residents and facility users to provide ongoing input about open space needs, park design, facility improvements, and programming.

PRCSA 2022

1.16 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Acquisitions to meet park standard. Using the Park Master Plan as guidance, identify and acquire property within the City for park and open space use which will focus on bringing the park and recreation system to three acres of land per 1,000 residents with a plan to keep pace with future urban growth.

PRCSA 2022 & ongoing

CDA – Community Development Agency; CMO – City Manager’s Office; HR – Human Resources Department; PBA – Planning and Building Agency; PWA – Public Works Agency; PRCSA – Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency; PD – Police Department
EJ action icon (Community Element) associated with environmental justice policies


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Implementation Action

Agency / Time Frame

GOAL S-2: Protect residents and environmental resources from contaminated hazardous material sites and minimize risks associated with the use, production, storage, transport, and disposal of hazardous materials.

2.4 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Lead contamination. Work with state, local and regional partners, such as the Department of Toxic Substances Control, South Coast Air Quality District, Orange County Environmental Justice, Orange County Health Care Agency, and University of California at Irvine Public Health, to understand the prevalence, sources, and implications of lead contamination of soil across Santa Ana. Collaborate with such state agencies, local, and regional partners and environmental justice stakeholders in proposing, selecting, and implementing measures to mitigate (i.e., remove, cover, and remediate) hazardous lead-contaminated soils in the city in a manner that includes key benchmarks and routine monitoring of soil lead levels to measure and track effectiveness of selected approach.


2.5 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Business education. Collaborate with state and county agencies and trade organizations to educate and inform industrial business owners about permit regulations required for safe facility operations and about best practices.


CDA – Community Development Agency; CMO – City Manager’s Office; HR – Human Resources Department; PBA – Planning and Building Agency; PWA – Public Works Agency; PRCSA – Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency; PD – Police Department
EJ action icon (Community Element) associated with environmental justice policies

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Implementation Action

Agency /
Time Frame

GOAL LU-2: Provide a balance of land uses that meet Santa Ana’s diverse needs.
2.10 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Open space requirements. Evaluate public open space and park requirements in the zoning code for residential and nonresidential uses. Consider requirements and/or incentives to aggregate public open space areas required by two or more uses to form larger and more usable areas and facilities. PBA/PRCSA
2022 -2027
GOAL LU-3: Preserve and improve the character and integrity of existing neighborhoods and districts.
3.2 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Design guidelines and standards. Update the zoning code’s development and operational standards for industrial zones to address incompatibility with adjacent uses, including minimum distance requirements to buffer heavy industrial uses from sensitive receptors. Conduct a study to evaluate and establish appropriate minimum distances and landscape buffers between polluting industrial uses from sensitive receptors such as residences, schools, day care, and public facilities. PBA
3.3 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Healthy lifestyles. Collaborate with residents and industry stakeholders to create a program to incentivize and amortize the removal of existing heavy industrial uses adjacent to sensitive uses. PBA
3.4 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Funding for air filtration. Seek funding from South Coast Air Quality Management District and other regional sources for the installation of high-efficiency air filtration systems in buildings, homes, and schools located in areas with high levels of localized air pollution, especially for those within environmental justice area boundaries. PBA
3.5 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Business incentive. Explore economic development incentives and grant funding to encourage existing or draw new business investments in the industrial zones to incorporate more environmentally sustainable practices. CDA
3.6 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Lead paint abatement. Coordinate with County of Orange Health Care Agency and community organizations to strengthen local programs and initiatives to eliminate lead-based paint hazards, with priority given to residential buildings located within environmental justice area boundaries. CDA/PBA
2021 & Ongoing
3.14 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Sunshine ordinance. Update City Sunshine Ordinance, incorporating best practices for outreach in environmental justice areas in Santa Ana. CMO
3.15 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Communication tools. Explore tools for communication with residents and sensitive receptors when new industrial uses are proposed in their areas. PBA
2022 -2024
3.16 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Health in corridors. Require a Health Risk Assessment to identify best practices to minimize air quality and noise impacts when considering new residential uses within 500 feet of a freeway. PBA
2022 -2027
3.17 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Training for safe practice. Pursue the EPA Renovate Right Program to train local residential contractors for certification as lead renovators to promote safe work practices and prevent lead contamination. PBA
3.18 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Renovations and lead prevention. Evaluate the feasibility of requiring contractor training and/or certification for safe work practices to conduct residential renovations for pre-1978 structures that may contain existing lead paint. PBA & CDA Ongoing
3.19 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Promote health. Partner with local organizations (e.g., OC Health Care Agency, Latino Health Access, Santa Ana Unified School District, Garden Grove Unified School District, Orange County Environmental Justice, and the Coalition of Community Health Centers) to increase blood lead testing, outreach, education, and referral services through a ‘promotora’ or community peer outreach model that addresses the root causes of elevated blood lead levels impacting Santa Ana residents, with special focus in environmental justice communities and for children living in pre-1978 housing. PBA
2022 & Ongoing
3.20 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Safe housing. Require all residential rehabilitation projects that use local, or HUD federal funds to comply with the Lead Safe Housing Rule, to remove lead paint hazards, depending on the nature of work and the dollar amount of federal investment in the property. CDA
3.21 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Prevention education. Collaborate with local organizations such as Orange County Health Care Agency, State Environmental Protection Agency, and community-based environmental justice organizations to identify funds and create a Santa Ana Prevent Lead Poisoning Education Program, with special focus on disadvantaged communities and pre-1978 housing stock. PBA
2022 & Ongoing
3.22 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Public health outcomes. Support the Orange County Health Care Agency in their role in investigating public complaints regarding unsafe lead work practices and lead hazards wherein children are present, through enforcement of local housing standards to assure healthy outcomes, including for individuals and households presenting with concerns about lead exposure and/or with confirmed lead levels of >3.5 ug/dL, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates as the threshold for follow-up and case management in children. PBA
2022 & Ongoing
3.23 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Agency permits. Work with South Coast Air Quality Management District and Orange County Health Care Agency to evaluate existing special permit process and criteria for approval, and identify potential policy changes to minimize issuance of special permits with potential health impacts. PBA
3.24 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Public health. Partner with Orange County Health Care Agency and community serving organizations to evaluate best practices and benefits of preparing a Public Health Plan to address environmental hazards in Santa Ana, with special focus in environmental justice communities. Conduct public meetings to gather information and present preliminary findings. PBA
2022 -2024
3.25 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Engage EJ communities. Work with community serving organizations, neighborhood leaders, and residents to form an Environmental Justice Action Committee to develop ongoing EJ Community Engagement programs for existing and new disadvantaged EJ communities, including multilingual communication protocols. Host quarterly Roundtable meetings with local stakeholders to guide and evaluate implementation of environmental justice policies. PBA
3.26 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Health conditions. Work with state agencies including the Department of Toxic Substances Control and South Coast Air Quality Management District, Orange County Health Care Agency and local stakeholders including Orange County Environmental Justice and UC Irvine Public Health to identify baseline conditions for soil and air contamination in Santa Ana, routinely monitor indicators of such contamination, and measure positive outcomes. Collaborate with these organizations to secure grant funds for soil and air testing, remediation (e.g., bioremediation, covering, removing, air filtration), and prevention activities for residential properties in proximity to sites identified with high levels of soil pollution (including sites identified with soil lead levels of 80 ppm or higher) and air pollution, with a focus on communities disproportionately affected by soil contamination. PBA
3.27 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Groundwater practice. Coordinate with the State Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to monitor the Santa Ana Southeast Groundwater Clean Up Project and identify measurable progress to remediate groundwater contamination. Share information with the community on the City’s Environmental Quality web page. PBA
3.28 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Tenant protections. Provide information to residential tenants regarding Landlord Tenant Laws in the State, such as AB 1481, and Santa Ana’s Just Cause for Tenant Eviction and Rent Stabilization ordinance that provide protections against evictions for those who seek action to improve substandard housing and hazardous conditions. PBA
2022 & Ongoing
3.29 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Development site history. Update the City’s Development Review application process to require developers to provide information regarding the prior use of the site and history of hazardous materials on the property, in order to identify potential for site contamination from hazardous materials or soil lead contamination to be remediated. PBA
GOAL LU-4: Support a sustainable Santa Ana through improvements to the built environment and a culture of collaboration
4.6 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Fireworks and environmental pollution. Study the data available to understand the health effects and environmental exposure, including air quality and noise impacts, from airborne sources such as fireworks shows and displays, with special focus on environmental justice areas. PBA/CMO/PD 2022 -2024
4.7 EJ action icon (Community Element)  Construction improvements. Identify best practices and communication tools to monitor mitigation measures and oversight of private and public construction improvements to protect the health and safety of health of the community, with focus on environmental justice areas. PWA/PBA Ongoing
CDA – Community Development Agency; CMO – City Manager’s Office; HR – Human Resources Department; PBA – Planning and Building Agency; PWA – Public Works Agency; PRCSA – Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency; PD – Police Department
EJ action icon (Community Element) associated with environmental justice policies


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Implementation Action

Agency /
Time Frame

GOAL HP-3: Develop, implement, and maintain a nationally recognized historic preservation program.

3.8 EJ action icon (Community Element)

Equitable access. Establish a fee reduction or waiver program for low-income applicants to ensure equitable access and participation in the Mills Act Program.

PBA 2023

CDA – Community Development Agency; CMO – City Manager’s Office; HR – Human Resources Department; PBA – Planning and Building Agency; PWA – Public Works Agency; PRCSA – Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency; PD – Police Department
EJ action icon (Community Element) associated with environmental justice policies


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